How Does the Retiring of the 3G Network Affect the Senior Population?
Does your loved one have a cellphone or medical alert system manufactured before 2013? If so, he or she may not be able to use it much longer. The 3G network on which these older devices operate is shutting down to make room for more advanced technology—a move that could leave some seniors unable to communicate with family members and – even more concerning – unable to call 911. If you’re not sure whether this change will affect the older adult in your life, make sure to keep reading to learn how to help.

Tech Education for Seniors
You probably know someone in your life who struggles with using technology and perhaps navigating the internet. This person could even be you. However, if we learned anything through the pandemic, we’ve seen how important technology can be in our daily lives—from FaceTiming relatives and attending job meetings or classes over Zoom to paying bills online and using our phones to make medical appointments.
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